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Https www alamy com munich bavaria germany 19th sep 2019 the black white red weimar flag used in germany in the post wwi era and currently associated with the extreme right spectrum the verfassungsschutz monitored secret service reichsbuerger sovereign citizen group staatenlosinfo held a rally at the munich pasinger rathaus city hall on september 19th according to documentation the group rejects the legitimacy of the german government and believes the weimar constitution of 1919 is still in effect reichsbuerger and selbstverwalter are associated with the extreme right wing spectrum credit image330062884 html (Dosya tipi jpg)
Munich Bavaria Germany 19th Sep 2019 The Black White Red Weimar Flag Used In Germany In The Post Wwi Era And Currently Associated With The Extreme Right Spectrum The Verfassungsschutz Monitored Secret Service Reichsbuerger Sovereign
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